A Bit of A Lull

Its been a couple of months since I last posted anything.  Work has been quite busy, we are gearing up for the summer season and making sure NYC’s power grid is operating as designed (which it usually never is).

There have been a few sporadic dates which I’ll get to soon enough, one I’m still baiting.

I took 5 weeks off from the gym and failed to complete the Crossfit Open.  I hurt my right hip flexor/hamstring/whatever other muscle is in that corner (as my chiropractor puts it, the LCF muscle group, or Lower Cluster Fuck).  Lost motor signal function of my hamstrings and hips, causing my body to compensate with other muscle groups and tilt my pelvic bone forward, generating even more pain.  Could not sleep, could not even move in bed.  Walking was something that I prolly would have needed NASA’s engineering to help do properly.

5 visits later, 20 minutes a day on electric stimulation in the lower back area (the only time I really got some good shut-eye in), coupled with some leg stretches and walking/icing the muscles, I started to regain use.  Its amazing what the human body is capable of doing, isolating hurt muscles and repairing itself.  X-rays and an MRI gave the All-Clear sign that it was not a lower disc bulge/tear as I had once thought.

Even so, this injury had me re-thinking life’s priorities.  My career is too important to lose and being permanently injured is not something I want with 35-40 years to go.   Crossfit is fun, but I need to get out and enjoy other things in life.   I’ve started to apply it in other ways, running at least a mile every afternoon, sometimes 3, and Saturdays/Sundays running 6 with a buddy.  The Long Island Marathon is next weekend, and I’ve never participated in one.  I’m only doing the 10k, perhaps this summer I’ll do another and run the Half.

Running has become a way to escape from life’s issues, do some personal insight/motivational thinking.  M did her first 5k sometime in 2012, I never really understood why people would do it.  Running didn’t appeal to me then, I couldn’t be bothered to be healthy and fit.   I understand why people do it now.  Some do it for a cure, some do it as I do, to forget about life’s pain for a short time, some do it for the challenge, some do it to stay active and fit…..I sometimes wonder what her reason was.

I’ve dropped a lot of my weights in workouts in the weeks following my injury.  I usually hang up there with the best of my class/gym, but I’ve followed my coaches insight and worked more on form than trying to be a badass/showoff.

We’ll see how this year progresses.  I still want a 400lb back-squat, and I was 40lbs away from that last year….with some dedicated training and focus, I have faith in myself to get within striking distance, if not eclipsing it.  I look back sometimes and smile, realizing if you would have told me the first day I started a beginners class that I’d be moving weight, I’d laugh and say it was impossible.


Signing off for now….perhaps if I have a free night soon I’ll get back to our regularly scheduled program…




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